Gratitude Journal

Linda Lael Miller writes a very uplifting blog.  She got an idea for a gratitude journal.  Every morning and every evening she writes five things for which she is grateful.  I think I’ll start that, too.

1.  Irises in my garden blooming in lavender and sunshine yellow.

2. Buds that have tiny brownish tips poking though.  What color will they be?  Raspberry Ripple?

3.  Dark red climbing roses–I’m not as grateful for the thorns, but they do keep the neighbor kids out of the roses.

4.  Hubby who cooks.  Even now the essence of fresh bread is teasing my senses.

5. Four wonderful children, two sons-in-law, 1 daughter-in-law, 4 grandkids, 1 granddaughter-in-law. and the list could go on and on.

6.  I am especially grateful for a church that believes in me, loves me–just as I am.  And that, Dear Friends, is saying a lot!